Sunday, November 22, 2015

21.47727 MHz Quarz Crystal anyone in Germany?

I'm currently modding my SNES with the SuperCIC, the IGR and the 1chip 50/60 Hz mod from ikari. As it turned out getting a quarz crystal with the needed 21.477 MHz is quite difficult in europe. I now got 20 from Hong Kong and had to wait 2 months for them.

I now have 19 not in use and as I'm not planing to mod another 19 SNES I want to send them to anyone in need instead. So if you want 50/60 on your 1chip (2chip doesn't need the crystal !!!) SNES just make a comment here.


Ich baue gerade meinen SNES auf 60Hz um. Wenn jemand in Deutschland Interesse an einem 21.477 MHz Quarz hat, bitte unten schreiben.


  1. Hi Slamy, please contact me regarding the crystals :)

    1. I tried to contact you via Hangouts. Maybe we can do this with Paypal or so. You just have to give me your adress and then give me only costs for sending them to you. I'll send you 2 or 3.

  2. Hello! I'm from Germany. I'd like to get a 21.47727 crystal for my SNES. Will pay for postage, of course.

    1. Hallo. Ich habe deinen Kommentar etwas zu spät gelesen. Hast du noch Interesse?
      Schreib mir einfach über palmchen1000 at Ich würde dir dann ein paar zuschicken.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to share this
